The Dink Network

Victim of Life

Dink's friend David is the victim of a kidnapping and Dink must save him.

The D-Mod may mention that a gnome stole an axe... but it was really a bonca.

Patch available here.
Released:April 9th, 2006
File Size:229.54 KB
Release Notes:1.1
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
December 6th, 2020
Score : 4.5 tolerable
Peasant They/Them Australia
Of all the DMOD authors out there, GlennGlenn has the dubious honour of having a reputation for consistently producing "bad" mods. There are numerous criteria for what constitutes a bad mod such as poor spelling and grammar, weird mapping errors, limited or non-existent character development and dialogue, as well as subtler things such as having an alternate player sprite magically undergo metamorphosis back into Dink upon pushing against a wall. If you've gone through GlennGlenn's completed works, you'll know that all of these tend to feature.

Thankfully in this case, Gokussj6/Kenji has made a patch which attempts to rectify many of the outstanding issues. Without this patch, the player simply starts the game and finds themselves right at the end. Therefore, for any sort of complete experience, it's a must-have. The patch means that you start in the proper area of the map and actually get to experience what limited questing there is on offer. I'm not sure if I missed something, but even with this patch I still couldn't get across the bridge after getting the axe and ended up warping with Ultimate Cheat.

Otherwise, there's not much to write about. As a "bad" DMOD, there was very limited help from NPCs in what to do next. I spent ages looking for the bonca under the rock as there was no indication that it would be underground. Every other bit of combat is fairly straightforward, and thankfully there are enough savebots. The music is also rather nice, and the duration of Beethoven's 6th Symphony was delightfully suitable for the amount of time I spent looking under rocks to retrieve the axe.

Unfortunately, unlike his other works such as "The Scary Beast" which ends up being a brilliant allegory for the various stages of personal development, and "Revenge of the Pigs" which serves as an insightful treatise upon the topic of animal rights, I feel like there are no deeper philosophical insights to glean from this particular game. Despite the somewhat thought-provoking title, "Victim of Life" doesn't end up presenting as anything greater than it initially appears. At best, it's a statement upon the importance of friendship, and at worst the real victim is revealed to be the person playing it.
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I'm stuck36carrie2004December 18th 2015, 06:00 AM