Dressup Dan
This file lets you dressup King Daniel in different ways. There are lots and lots of different clothes. Dressing your king is very easy. There isn't actually anything bad in this file. It contains everything it should.
I have not much more to say about this file.
Overall: It gets score of 9.5. It contains everything that promised, and is a great development and graphics file.
Fit for:
Anyone who wants to create their own king for their D-Mod or dressup Daniel in a different way (maybe to dress Dan for party at the beach).
Great stuff, Rabidwolf!
I have not much more to say about this file.
Overall: It gets score of 9.5. It contains everything that promised, and is a great development and graphics file.
Fit for:
Anyone who wants to create their own king for their D-Mod or dressup Daniel in a different way (maybe to dress Dan for party at the beach).

Great stuff, Rabidwolf!

This is the first reveiw that I have done, but I feel its my time to contribute with all the browsing of the site I have done in the last couple of years, So I finally signed up and now I will give my deconstructive critsism on everything thats worth the time, so here goes...
Dressup Dan in my opinion is too simple, is everyone "including myself" really so lame that we can't come up with something this simple on our own, well I guess so. So, to rabidwolf9 I give you props for not being as lame as the rest of us, this is all and all a really good idea and may just show itself to be very useful. But, I really think you could of made it a bit better. For example... why not save us the time of coming up with new ideas by maybe putting different hats, different hair and other stupid things that everyone else is too lame to think up for them selves.
Thanks for the graphics and something to spend my time playing with when I get stuck on my dmod. It really is a good idea.
Dressup Dan in my opinion is too simple, is everyone "including myself" really so lame that we can't come up with something this simple on our own, well I guess so. So, to rabidwolf9 I give you props for not being as lame as the rest of us, this is all and all a really good idea and may just show itself to be very useful. But, I really think you could of made it a bit better. For example... why not save us the time of coming up with new ideas by maybe putting different hats, different hair and other stupid things that everyone else is too lame to think up for them selves.
Thanks for the graphics and something to spend my time playing with when I get stuck on my dmod. It really is a good idea.
Wow! This is just the file I need and I think I'm not the only one. Just like the description says you can make your own King (Daniel) by changing the colours. It's easy to use and if you already know what you want it can be done within a minute! It's just great if you have more than one king in your D-Mod. Normally you would have to make them look exactly the same or make a new king yourself but with this you can make lots of new kings witch makes things more real. Also useful for if you want to make a king that keeps changing closes.
Overall you can't miss this file in a good D-Mod.
Overall you can't miss this file in a good D-Mod.