The Dink Network

Dink engine sprite rendering resize tests

Back in December 2022, after talking to Robj about some sprite rendering bugs in WinDinkEditPlus when resizing sprites, I decided to look into how the most popular Dink engines handle sprite rendering! I kind of forgot to release it at the time, but hey, better late than never right?

I compared DinkHD, WinDinkEditPlus 2 and GNU FreeDink (V109.6) with Dink V1.08 as the reference.

These are the results of my research. Included is also the render test DMOD I used, which if you're working on a Dink source-port or editor, you can use to test if your game is rendering things accurately as the classic Dink V1.08!

Check out the READ ME text file and the Dink Resize Rendering Research PDF file inside the archive!
Released:February 15th, 2023
File Size:4.74 MB
Release Notes:Initial version.