The Dink Network

Reconstruction: The Freedmen's Bureau

I shall drink as much as I want
A historical D-Mod, where you play as a Freedmen's Bureau agent after the United State's Civil War back in 1865. You must help the ravaged south.
Released:December 12th, 1999
File Size:4.45 MB
Release Notes:v1.00
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
June 1st, 2003
Score : 9.0 exceptional
Peasant She/Her
Storyline: This D-mod is based on some part of American History: the Reconstruction. The Freedmen’s Bureau was designed to help the southern states after the war since they should be part of the Union. Freedmen were former black slaves. The D-mod takes place in 1866. You play an agent of the Freedmen’s Bureau and it is your task to help the people.
This D-mod resembles 'New Shores: The Maori', since that one is also about a part of history.

Map and graphics: There is a walking horse in this game and it looks really good! The houses are a bit blurred, but add a nice touch, as does the railroad. There are bushes with white dots on them, to represent the cotton plantations.

Music: The music fits the situation.

Good: Before I read the explanation, I thought the Freedmen’s Bureau was some sort of P.I. Bureau. Since I am no US Citizen and since I never had this part of history on school, I did not know there was something like this Bureau. It was really interesting to learn more about this part of history and learning such things via a D-mod is very pleasant: not only a very different D-mod, but also some history lessons that are nicely wrapped up in a game.
There is a trivia included and you can (try to) answer the different questions and for each correct answer you will get points.
You can choose between different kinds of music when playing Trivia.

Not so good: There is no visible entrance to the houses, so you have to search for the warp. The hardness on houses is not done well, so you either can walk through them or get stuck in them. You have to talk to a lot of people, but almost none of them reply. It would be a lot better if some more information would have been given about this part of history through conversation. Since there is very little to do, the gameplay is not that good.

Overall: A unique D-mod since it is about history.

Fit for: If you want to learn more about this part of history.